How atheists argue:
Shifting burden of proof
Running a script
Verbal jiu jitsu to trap you into a position of trying to "convince" them of your faith position, when in reality they are interested in nothing more than mocking you, denigrating your faith, draining you, exasperating you, and cowing you into submission.
It is a game to them, and they have a system and a pattern they follow, because it works every time.
How you should handle an encounter with an atheist Internet bully:
Lay out the actual burden of proof and refuse to allow it to be flipped.
Their position is that your beliefs are FALSE.
They cannot prove that.
They would be STOPPED at this point if they did not use the next trick:
They will insist that the absence of evidence (for God) is evidence of absence (of God). DO NOT LET THEM PULL THIS TRICK. This is their one and only game. It is their key to "victory."
First of all, that is a backwards standard of proof, and it could be used to "disprove" anything whatsoever that does not have perfect evidence onhand immediately.
Second, you are not trying to prove anything. They are.
The burden of proof rests on them; they are making a positive claim that requires evidence.
If they don't have positive proof that your position is false, then the best they can claim is not to know. If they claim to know, they are simply trying to bully you without evidence.
Your position to them, your only offer, is that your beliefs are supported by all of the evidence you are aware of, just like their beliefs are supported by all the evidence that they are aware of.
Your evidence is subjective and personal to you, and it would not mean anything to the atheist, and therefore refuse to even offer it.
Why? Because your faith and the faith of every single Christian is a GIFT of God. How did every Christian receive this GIFT? By humbling themselves and by respectfully inquiring of God and seeking Him with their whole heart.
You, just like every other Christian, made the decision to turn your life and your will over to God, believing that Jesus died for your sins and rose from the dead, by faith, beliving Him in the absence of any evidence. God was the source of this original faith, and God then revealed Himself to you as a result of it.
Can the atheist be expected to gain any information from you that would give them faith? No, because the atheist hates God and insults God and exalts himself above God.
Will the atheist receive any revelation or any other spiritual gift from God as long as he does not humble himself and seek God with his whole heart? No, never. And that is the only thing that could ever possibly change the atheist's mind. "He who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is the rewarder of them who diligently seek Him." Hebrews 11:6 That is the criteria. Not demanding proof. Demanding proof didn't work for the Jews who demanded a sign of Jesus, and it won't work for the atheist. Jesus told them that no sign would be given except the sign of Jonah. And He WALKED AWAY. Matthew 16:4
So, as long as the atheist manages to turn the tables and challenge you to "put up or shut up" with evidence for God, the atheist wins. Every single time. And celebrates having crushed you.
This is a trap, and it only works because you can't see it coming.
That's why Internet atheists are so cock-sure confident and arrogant. If they can run this same script over and over with every believer they encounter they "win" the encounter every single time.
They are animated by hatred of God, hatred of Jesus, and hatred of Christians. Almost certainly they are driven by demons.
How to interrupt their game:
Pray, cleanse you heart of impure motives (ego), and invoke Jesus's authority over the demonic.
Refuse to allow them to write your script or set your framing.
Insist on your own narrative, stick to it, and repeat it as many times as necessary. Remember: you are not going to "win" this argument. Your goal is not to "win" the argument but to _maintain your testimony_ and remain faithful to God's Word, which tells us that nobody can come to God without faith.
Refuse to allow them to flip the standard of proof.
Refuse to allow them to demand you to convince them of God.
Tell them your faith is a personal matter between Him and yourself in which He personally intervened in your life and mercifully gave you a spiritual revelation, which nobody else can have.
Tell the atheist they cannot have it, because it is not for them and it is a gift they can only receive from God Himself.
If they want it, they must ask it of Him, in humility and sincerity.
If they want proof of God, they can ask God Himself for it.
If they want to prove God doesn't exist, demand they present evidence that disproves God. This is the same script they're trying to "trap" you with. The first person who yields to this trick and allows themselves try to present "evidence" is the loser. Since God is superior to and outside of His creation, His creation does not CONTAIN Him and therefore cannot be examined in hopes of finding Him there.
Now, we have history, we have evidence from innumerable logical inferences, we have the resurrection of Jesus as well as His other miracles, but the atheist will never accept any of this, otherwise he wouldn't be an atheist in the first place. Don't make an offer of ANY evidence. It is a losing strategy.
God is not mocked. Period. End of story. That is as far as you need to take this conversation with anybody who exalts themselves over the knowledge of God. You don't owe them anything. They are on a fast track to Hell, and the only purpose for their challenge is to attempt to bring you down with them. They are challenging you to do the impossible--to force a mocker to seek God's face with their whole heart. That is the atheist's responsibility, not yours.
The atheist is demanding the privilege to mock God and for God to gift him with faith, and hence, salvation, as a result of his mockery and disbelief. How did you come to have faith? I bet it was something like this:
Isaiah 66:3b
But on this one will I look:
On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit,
And who trembles at My word.