"Lord, I want Your anointing."
And you shall have it. But first, you must trade your worthless rags for My righteousness. Regard your body as My holy temple. Partner with Me in its training. Abandon all that distracts from My purpose for you.
So many times My children think that to ask great things of Me is to ask amiss, as if they should not be so bold or that asking for Me to dwell mightily in them is serving their ego. Nothing could be further from the truth! I delight in giving My children good things, I am waiting eagerly for you to ask, and human pride cannot survive in My presence. Asking for My anointing is the most humbling thing you could ask for, and the most rewarding.
You shall have My abiding presence, My power, My anointing, My Spirit without measure, when that is what is most important to you. For where your heart is, there will your treasure be also. I am your treasure. I am your great reward.